[Affiliate Ads] SaaS founders and entrepreneurs shares their best advice on starting an online business, specifically SaaS. Learn from Arvid Kahl, Sahil and more.
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About Saasitron
My name is Iszuddin Ismail. I have been a web developer since the past 20 years. But mostly for other companies. I guess my laziness led me to this journey of compiling tools, libraries and solutions to help me build web applications faster.
Plus, I am also attracted to the idea of indiehacking and bootstrapped software business. I like reading about bootstrapped software business making it big, like 37 Signals, BuiltWith, Plenty of Fish, Tawk.to and more.
At first I created and shared this list on the Indiehacker forum. I was amazed myself seeing the many options available to kickstart your SaaS project. But I think it is more useful to others when I can quickly manage the list of SaaS boilerplates myself. So that is how Saasitron came about.
I hope you enjoy this website as much as I enjoy making it. Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter with fresh new content about SaaS business for solo developers and bootstrappers.
And if you have a boilerplate yourself, get it on the list.